About Us

About Us

Legal Status

Namirembe Hospital Staff SACCO was registered in January 2020 under the Co-operative societies statute 1991 by the Registrar of co-operatives. It is regulated by the co-operative regulations 1992. It has a set of By-laws adopted by it’s members. 

Registration Number P.11005/RCS

Namirembe Hospital Staff SACCO enables its Members to come together and pool funds (Savings) so that, they can access Loans (Credit) to carry out productive activities for improving their welfare.

Our Membership

Membership Eligibility;

  • Mengo Hospital staff
  • Ex- Mengo Hospital staff who joined while still staff of the Hospital
  • Staff and former Staff of NHSS
Financial Obligations
  • New members fill in member application forms and provide full biometric data.
  • Paying membership fee of UGX 15,000
  • Having a Minimum of 2 shares each UGX 25,000
  • Opening Savings account with a minimum balance of UGX 20,000

Governance Structures

Annual General Meeting

Ultimate Authority is vested in the Annual General Meeting.

Board / Executive Committee

It is composed of 7 members who formulate Policies and reports to the Annual General Meeting once a year.

Loans Committee

This is composed of 5 members. It controls all credit operations and reports to the executive committee.

Supervisory Committee

This is composed of 3 members who watch over policy implementation. It also does the internal audit role and reports to the Annual General Meeting.


Management Team

A team of professionals headed by the Secretary / CEO. It is charged with running the day-to-day affairs of the SACCO. It reports to the Executive Committee.

Decision Making

All important decisions are taken in general meetings.

Investment Committee

This is composed of 5 members review and recommend investment projects to the executive.

Mobilization and Publicity Committee

Services We Offer


  • Member savings
  • Shares Accounts
  • Voluntary Saving


  • Salary secured loans
  • Short term loans – up to 6 months
  • Medium term loans – up to 1 year
  • Secured loans

Why Choose Us?

We focus on welfare improvement of all our members and enable them to enjoy the following benefits:

  • Earn interest on their saving deposits
  • Offer lower interest rates on loans
  • Processing fees that are lower than other financial institutions
  • Offer Financial literacy and education